
The networking rebel was created through Caroline Andrew Johnstone on the cusp on the pandemic in March 2020 by evolving her business to focus on what she absolutely loved and that was to help her clients stand out and make it count within networking.

The brand was created in partnership with Al Price. A fellow networker in the 4N community.

You can watch the case study video and read the details below.

What was the scenario before you started working together?

The scenario before Caroline asked for a 1:1 strategy session was that she wanted to learn how to best market herself as the networking rebel as she had built her reputation within the 4N community under her first business called FasPrint.

However, through conversation with those she trusted in the network and within her family, she realised she needed to focus her attention on what she really loved and that was helping people to shine and create business through the network.

So, within conversations between Zoe and Caroline a strategy 1:1 session was agreed to help create a community where more people got to see the true Caroline and the ‘REBEL’ution was born.

What were their goals?

Her goals were to reach more people and build a community through being the networking rebel and become the person the community understands, recommends and a community they wish to be a part of to grow their business.

Why did they choose to work with you?

We chose to work together as our relationship was built up through the 4N community and it was in fact Caroline who helped launch our first business Fab Events, back in 2016.

It was a pleasure to return the favour and show Caroline her true worth and how she could market herself better to attract a wider audience and do what she loved every day of the week.

The best way to do this was to create noise online by creating a following/community who all believed in the same values and bought into the community quicker, which has now developed even further, and the VIPs were born.

Upon review with Caroline, we also asked why she chose to work with us; and here is her reply:

“What can I say about my decision to work with Zoe. I trust and respect her dearly and she truly cares about her customers and is a very smart lady; with much more than event management skills in her toolkit. Mind blown!!“

Caroline Andrew Johnstone

What was the process?

The process consisted of building up our relationship through five years in the 4N network; now known as Network Central.

Plus, we had worked together previously due to Caroline’s first business which was a print company and through verbal recommendation on our new service 1:1 consultancy; it was a pleasure to help Caroline trough a 1:1 marketing session on how she could build a following and now this has evolved even further to create the VIPs; which resulted in a 700% return on investment in 12 months following our first session.

Have the goals changed and/or been achieved since working with Ask Zoe?

We believe so yes, because the main goal was to increase brand awareness and to attract a following so more businesses could learn from the networking rebel by joining the ‘REBEL’ution. This has evolved even further through collaboration and creating the VIPs which is a paid platform where Caroline can work on a 1:1 basis with her clients and following.

What were the results?

We base our results on the feedback and return our customer informs. Which were:

“What can I say about my session with Zoe. Mind blowing!! From a strategy meeting to the launch of The ReBelution Facebook Community. Ideas, suggestions, advise. The ReBelution would not exist without the advice of Zoe. What she doesn’t know isn’t worth knowing and what she does know, trust me, you all need to know!!! Fabulous lady, fabulous talent.“

Caroline Andrew Johnstone

Plus, as mentioned they received a 700% return on investment which is equivalent to £30,000 GBP in the first 12 months through creating the community and the evolvement into the VIPs which now creates a retainer income for our client.

Now in 2023 our client has built that much of a reputation from the Facebook community and income from the VIP. She was in a position to buy a national network at the end of 2022 and this now results in a 18,000 %.

However, we also base the return on how we make our customers feel and from the above review we are glad to see they felt valued and our creativity was able to help them do what they love on a day by day basis; which for us is what business is all about. Doing what you love.