A common question we are asked after a 750% growth rate in a two-year span; is the question: How do you improve your business online?

Whether this be how have you done this or how do you do this, the reply is always the same. Which is, we were able to change our business online rapidly due to the support we received from our network, the clients we attracted during the past six years and thirdly by how we feel our business is five years ahead of where it should be due to the exposure we have received online.

The third point always follows into the conversation to explain more, so I thought how best to demonstrate this would be to create a blog of 10 key points you can improve your business profile online. As did you know that 75% of marketers use their online presence to generate credibility over traditional forms of marketing?

Plus, did you know that in the same group of 100 people. 86% of marketers show that if you improve your credibility online, this will increase your brand awareness and enable you to engage with more customers?

Demonstrating that it does work but only if you apply action to each point mentioned below:

  1. PersonalisationRemember people buy from people, so your personality can not be lost online underneath your features and benefits from the products and services you offer. It is important to remember that your audience are still buying from you even if they purchase online, so think about how you can make it more of a personal experience for them to prompt them to share their experience with more people.
  2. Customers In MindWhen you are marketing your business online it is important to keep the customer in mind and ask yourself the question: What problem do they have that I can solve and how best to communicate this message online and via your marketing avenues. The more you can speak to your customers online the more engagement this will generate. 
  3. ContentEvery person that engages in your services learns and interacts in multiple ways. So, it is important to ensure our content is varied and we are reaching more people. A way you can demonstrate varied content is through the three E’s in marketing content, these are: Entertainment, Educational and Emotive. But please ensure the content is relatable and appropriate for the audience you have in mind as future prospects or potential customers. 
  4. Purpose & DriveMeans your reason to get out of bed in a morning and your mission for the business and ask yourself is this portrayed well online and communicated well to my potential customers. As the more people that buy into your mission, purpose and drive, the more successful you will become. 
  5. ResearchThis allows you to see the internal and externals impact of your business, by identifying the gaps in your own business compared with local competition and by seeing the opportunities in market research, that can help get more eyes on your business. 
  6. Vision & Values – Helps you attract the right customers and strategic partners to allow your business to flourish and grow. As, you vision shows the wider audience of what you wish to achieve and how you are going to do it and your values will attract the right people to work with and surround your business with like minded business professional. If you aren’t sure on what your vision or value statement is, book a free discovery call today.
  7. Correct Info and UpdatesThis may seem an easy one to do, but in our experience it is always the basics that get missed. Plus, as we say to our customers; their is no point in spending all this time improving your business online if your details are not correct when they find you online and a level of consistency is not created. As, this can create doubt in the consumers mind; so ensure all information is correct and you have regular updates to show that you are open for business. 
  8. Behind The Scenes – Personal branding in key to all successful businesses as even though your customers want to see the features and benefits of what you provide they also want to see the type of person or company they are employing. So by introducing some personal brand photography and behind the scenes content can generate further credibility for your business. 
  9. Offers and Data CaptureWhen you are promoting yourself online it is super important to ensure you have some form of offer or data capture available to capture as much information as possible from your visitors, so you can build relationships with them long term off line as well as online. 
  10. Measure ROIAbove anything for me this is the most important point as if we don’t measure our return on investment; how do we know what is working and how can we ensure we are being successful with our time and investment online. Our top tip in measure your return is to ensure you do this every 90 days and not all return is monetary in the first instance.  

Thank you for taking the time to read our latest blog article and if anything resonates and you wish to learn about Ask Zoe, please go tour service page via our website: Services – Ask Zoe