A.A. Milne is best known as the writer of Winnie the Pooh, but he also wrote poetry for children. His first book was called ‘When We Were Very Young,’ and he followed it with ‘Now We Are Six.’ He called the book that because six was traditionally the age at which the next stage of childhood began. Well now Fab Events and Strategy is six, and we are ready for some change.

Looking back at the blog I wrote for our fifth birthday; I said a couple of things that have partly led to the changes in Fab Events and Strategy that I’m sharing this week. The first thing was that one of my key values is to support other small businesses because it is difficult for us to be our own cheerleader and the other was that following the arrival of Covid19 my skill set hadn’t changed, despite most events having been cancelled.

One of the ways I have been sharing my skill set is through speaking at business groups and events to open up my fourteen years’ experience to others. Education and learning are the key aims behind the changes at Fab Events and Strategy. I often get called to support a business owner because someone in my network has told them to “Ask Zoe.”

That has driven our transformation into a business consultancy for all businesses within the service sector. Through our one-to-one sessions and the Fab Business Hub, we help you create the basic building blocks of your business positioning and marketing strategy. The passion that created Fab was to put customer care at the forefront of everything we do. Supporting our clients in achieving that remains a critical objective for Fab in the next year.

So, this is why we have decided to welcome our next chapter and rebrand as Ask Zoe to be able to help even more businesses within our network by delivering one-to-one sessions, group, and community-based support.

I have been involved in the Net Zero Accelerator at our home in the Barnsley Business Village recently. Sustainability is another message that we will be sharing over the next year, helping businesses understand net-zero priorities, how to take action, and supporting them in developing towards a low carbon economy.

A statistic I gave in last year’s birthday blog is still very relevant:

“Among the most common reasons businesses fail is a lack of understanding of the market and where they fit into it.”

Earlier this week I quoted Heraclitus; ‘there is nothing permanent expect change.’ He also said: ‘Big results require big ambitions’ and in our Birthday week I am excited to share some of my big ambitions for Ask Zoe. To learn more about our services, and book a free discovery call please get in touch.

Now we are six, we are changing Fab Events and Strategy to Ask Zoe, and from understanding our own place in the business landscape we are best placed to help you find yours.

As, always remember there is nothing permanent expect change and we look forward to sharing this next chapter with you on our sixth birthday in business.